The THF team was thrilled to surprise K-2 RISE teacher Megan Levitt at Lincoln Elementary School, in Morton, Illinois, with a grant to enhance play and sensory areas in her classroom.

"We use play to practice communication,
function of play, and social skills with peers," Levitt wrote in her application.
She plans to use grant funds to purchase sensory toys and activities, shelving to house the items, costumes for pretend play, light covers to dim florescent lighting, a busy board and toys to teach cause and effect.

Levitt has a self-contained K-2 classroom that was recently restructured. She said this has allowed for the district to serve more students with a variety of needs, and has created a need for the additional items.
"The increased play items and shelving for those items will greatly benefit my students as they build their communication, whether verbal or with their AAC devices, as we will be able to model and guide play with a variety of items," she said. "The shelving that closes/latches will help to keep the play time structured when needed. The additional sensory tools will be a great benefit as all of our students have significant sensory needs with tools they utilize throughout the day."
Watch below as we surprise Levitt and fellow Morton Distrcit 709 special needs teacher Cassie Little.